Christine Iqbal

by Christine Iqbal
(Murcia Spain)



Just over four years ago I was passing by a pet shop and I saw a cute fluffy puppy stretched out in a glass display unit in the window - she gazed into my eyes (pleading "please take me home") and to cut a long story short - I did! We named her BooBoo. She was delightful from the minute she was ours. After a few weeks we decided we needed a YogiBear to complete the family and two months later Yogi did indeed complete our family. How happy BooBoo and Yogi were to meet each to other. Four months later we added another little Newfie girl and named her ChiChi. Now our family, collectively known as The Boogies, is truly complete and we are happy, fitter from our daily walks, sometimes two walks and it is a joy to watch them romping through the countryside. We are very fortunate to live in the Spanish campo surrounded by fields and not far from the beach and mountains.

Our garden has been somewhat transformed of course and we have less flowers, lots of craters, less cushions, as they end up thrown around the garden and the filling strewn around, more dust everywhere and our carpets have a black fluffy topcoat. Our swimming pool is one of their favorite places in the garden and it too has changed - not so much clear blue as slightly murky and brown round the shallow end where they sit on the steps and BooBoo the swimmer commences her pool exercises! On summer evenings the frogs keep the Boogies amused as they try to catch them around the pool. They surely are water dogs - they take every opportunity to paddle in ditches and muddy fields. Grooming is a nightmare as all the moisture mats their coats. We have a large collection of fluff waiting to be spun. Hair brushes are another casualty - ours but not their grooming brushes.

Life is wonderful with The Boogies - they are so loving and they always welcome us home.

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Bear ♡ Joyce Walters Not rated yet
A blessing from God I believe. I am I'll and do not get out much. I had fallen into a depression. A friend of mine said I have something to cheer you up. …

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